Iris – The Queen of Cups
Picture done for the Webcomics Tarot project. I chose my character Iris, who has a relevant role in MoonSlayer, with her cup of the immortality recipe. A very simple pic with medieval style.
Ishrin por Diana Baro
Ishrin por Diana Baro
Ishrin por Isis MF
Ishrin por Isis MF
Ishrin por Isis MF
Ishrin por Isis MF
Ishrin from Ishtilnar – Por Marta Morales
Ishrin from Ishtilnar – Por Marta Morales
Nusicaa de la Luna – por Endymiasyzygy
Nusicaa de la Luna – por Endymiasyzygy
Jade por Endymia
Jade por Endymia
Emperatriz del Tiempo por Pepe Valencia
Emperatriz del Tiempo por Pepe Valencia
Ignus & Spes – Spirited Away
This time I chose my characters Riel/Ignus and Lianna/Spes for the theme «Spirited Away». This is a scene from one of my novels when Ignus took Spes away to the mortal realm. ^_^
Esa cicatriz…
Ishrin x Ernel, the best couple fo-evah! SAI. Speedpainting, about 20-30min. These are my characters, from my novel Horror Vacui aka El Refugio. [link]
Aimaliendi por Cristina Alonso
Aimaliendi por Cristina Alonso
Jade y Michelle por Cris
Jade y Michelle por Cris
Jade por draak-shadow
Jade por draak-shadow