Refugio – HV
Aima pinta estrellas en la ventana mientras espera su final…
Aima pinta estrellas en la ventana mientras espera su final…
Tomando un tentempié bajo la protección de la Maestra…
Hipotética portada para el primer volumen 🙂
La tripulación del Pez Volador! ❤️ Llevaba un tiempo ya escribiendo el segundo volumen de esta novela cuando decidí darles forma a estas gentes, para que me costara menos describirlos. =DNo digo nada más porque es spoiler! …. The crew of the Flying Fish! ❤️ I had already been writing the…
«It’s a ketos, like the ones on the border of the maps…» In the past the ketos were hunt for food and oil. Or so they say. Iule has one tattooed on his chest. His design is based on the Basilosaurus. 😀 Made with super granulation Schmincke Horadam watercolors.
Coriander is a sorceress and a bard. Lineart made for my coloring book «Women of Magic» with fineliners and colored with watercolors and colored pencils.
Nebet is a sorceress from Kemet that creates potions and magical items to help women in need. Lineart made for my coloring book «Women of Magic» with fineliners and colored with watercolors and colored pencils.
Yilda is a druidess that spend her days guarding the forest and defending it from strangers. Lineart made for my coloring book «Women of Magic» with fineliners and colored with watercolors and colored pencils.
Ula is a priestess that enchanted a trespasser into a frog. Lineart made for my coloring book «Women of Magic» with fineliners and colored with watercolors and colored pencils.
Posy, aka Paula. A druidess picking healing flowers for making a potion. Lineart made for my coloring book «Women of Magic» with fineliners and colored with watercolors and colored pencils. I used a photo of my cousin as reference.
Iule y Kleus se conocen mejor en los baños del palacio de la Maestra…
Aimaliendi acaba de deshacerse de sus perseguidores…
Kelvi prepara su viaje en busca de animales desconocidos…
Kleus se enfrenta a un misterioso mago en la arena de Soantria…
The Masters of Magic of my novel have one characteristic, most of them are dead by the beginning of the story 😀
Ishrin and her lost lover…