Coriander · Fox
Coriander is a sorceress and a bard. Lineart made for my coloring book «Women of Magic» with fineliners and colored with watercolors and colored pencils.
Coriander is a sorceress and a bard. Lineart made for my coloring book «Women of Magic» with fineliners and colored with watercolors and colored pencils.
Colored version of Morgaine “oak” from my new coloring book: Women of Magic. Fineliners + ClipStudio for colors! I made 2 versions of it: Day and Night! I finally took the day version of the cover, but I will do a traditional watercolor version of it, of course!
«Tu destino está escrito en esa carta…» Esas fueron las últimas palabras que Erien Larhan, un joven de diecisiete años, escuchó en el lecho de muerte de su padre. En la misiva mencionada, descubre que realmente él pertenece a un mundo llamado Oeria.
Mapa de Gravias de Brigaberg.
Some character designs for a WotC comic project 🙂 Some pages of the project
Watercolour in card size. For the Greek Mythology Card Series, with my own style ^.^