¡Hacia el poblado!
Aquí está a color XD ESTADO ACTUAL:.
Aquí está a color XD ESTADO ACTUAL:.
Donjon: Llegando al Poblado
La terminé hace poco después de… meses! Pero ha quedado casi casi como quería 😀 Ahora he ajustado mejor el color para que se parezca más al original. Pronto postearé el proceso completo 😀 ESTADO ACTUAL: resfriada… otra vez.
Guiltt van Rosenhaim personaje de Ecos de Azurëa.
Hacia el poblado Donjon: Llegando al Poblado
Donjon: Oscuridad del Bosque
In Archarion the poetry is magic :3 Nienkos paint their spells in wax tablets with punches. Purple is the color of the magic of air, the element of nienkos. She maybe is my comic character Yuka in adult form. Tools: Black ink, sepia ink, watercolours. Details with: white paint, golden acrylic, coloured pencils, markers.
Project with the gods of my novels. Oxa is a minor goddess of the rivers. She was an apsara. ACEO 2,5 x 3.5 inches – Ink, watercolours, white paint.
Project with the gods of my novels. Zeik is a minor god/goddess of the forests. He/she appears like a hunter or a horned deer/hind. ACEO 2,5 x 3.5 inches – Ink, watercolours, white paint.
Project with the gods of my novels. He is a tricky minor god, his avatar is a kind of demon/goblin. He is also companion of Iris in her novel :3 ACEO 2,5 x 3.5 inches – Ink, watercolours, white paint.
Prueba de ilustración para un libro que no me pagaron.
Project with the gods of my novels. She is a minor goddess, spirit of air, the dove lady of peace. ACEO 2,5 x 3.5 inches – Ink, watercolours, white paint.
Project with the gods of my novels. She is a major goddess, the water element, the lady of the sea, the giver of inspiration. Her avatar is a mermaid, usually mounted on the sea serpent Coral, her guardian spirit. ACEO 2,5 x 3.5 inches – Ink, watercolours, white paint.