Aine es otro Mod’s Pick en Elfwood
Llega el nuevo post de rigor :_D
Llega el nuevo post de rigor :_D
Sin más dilación os dejo MoonSlayer. FREE. Para que lo leáis, así, de gratis. Y disfrutadlo. (Actualiza todas las semanas a partir de ahora). En Smackjeeves, Mangamagazine en Amilova. En Inglés y en Español. Por el momento. ¡Pero no hay que desilusionarse! Polaris está a la vuelta de la esquina en español y en francés. Y…
Polaris (Español)Polaris (Français)Polaris, The Wish We Wish to Night (English supplement) Polaris es un juego de rol sobre el ocaso de un pueblo, sobre como sus bravos caballeros se enfrentaron a los Errados y al sol mientras aquellos a quienes defendían se ahogaban en su propia suficiencia. Es un juego sobre el deber y…
«Donjon es un juego de rol que homenajea a los primeros juegos y su estructura. Los jugadores interpretan aventureros en busca de fortuna que se enfrentan a monstruos en mazmorras, cuevas, bosques encantados y ruinas abandonadas. La intención no es otra que recordar las sensaciones que teníamos en nuestras primeras partidas, cuando apenas éramos unos…
Cover for the short tale of Pireias (Windblade) Pireias lost his memories after they punished him with a kind of magical flagelum (he got wounds in all his body, and lost one eye), and Moryn found him and cured his wounds. References: Pireias: Niacyth , Moryn: my sister :3 Tools: SAI and PSCS4
The fire mage Kleus Pyrus, son of the Fire Master :3 from my online novel Tools: SAI + PSCS4 References: Some screenshots of varied young men :3
Quick character portrait of Iule Leünn, Water Mage of my online novel Thanks eithen-lore for be my model, hehehe 😀 He’s the purrrfect Iule <3 Made with SAI and PSCS4
Chibi collection of all the main and minor characters of Horror Vacui novel 😀
Or… The Oracle 🙂 Nusicaa, from my webcomic The Oracle of the Moon for a class project. My tarot deck will have a similar image but it will be done with watercolors. …
My grey dragon Venux Bellatrix, another remake of the same concept. M. Orionis Bellatrix, alias Venux is a character (c) to me. Made with color pencils.
A landscape of Fantorio, a fictional place from my novels. Made with ink. A class work. Also was made without any help of rulers and the buildings looks odd. I’m uploading these works because the professor has started to upload them to a blog without permission or credit.
Some sea horses made with ink. A class work. I’m uploading these works because the professor has started to upload them without permission or credit.
Moryn and Pireias. They are the characters of a short story I’m working on, for my online novel «El Refugio» He lost his memories after they punished him with a kind of magical flagelum (he got wounds in all his body, and lost one eye), and she found him and cured his wounds. After they fell in…
Os presento un proyecto precioso, en el que junto a otros autores e ilustradores he podido participar. Esta vez en calidad de ilustradora 🙂 Os paso la nota de prensa. :espacio: ERASE UNA VEZ… ILUSIONARIA La madrugada del 26 de abril de 1986, el reactor número 4 de la Central Nuclear de Chernóbil hizo explosión cerca de la…